Wednesday 30 March 2016

Mangrove Destruction as a Result of Urbanization

More Anthropogenic Encroachment?? 

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

From the photos (Photos 1-3) seen above the mangrove area which is in close proximity to Maracus Bay is being destroyed to facilitate room for "development". Not only our forests are at risk but our mangroves as well?? This was an utterly disturbing sight to behold. As stated in Rojas 1989 due to the large population densities generated in urban areas agricultural lands are encroached upon for housing developments. This is similar to the situation at hand except for the fact that persons are not even receiving homes! The encroachment onto the wetland seems to be as a result of plans to better "develop" the beach facility at Maracus. This is hoped to generate income in the form of revenue by beach goers purchasing items...but at what cost??

Mangroves play very important roles in the environment they, like coral reefs and rain forests are extremely productive ecosystems that provides many services to marine organisms. A large variety of fish, shrimp, crab  and mullusk species find their habitat within mangroves. These sites act as large fisheries which act as a source of food for locals. It also acts as nurseries for many fish species including coral reef fish.

The thick rooting systems formed by mangroves also act to protect the coast as they trap sediments and filtering pollutants which flow along rivers and prevent them from entering the sea. They also help to stabilize the coastline and prevent erosion from waves and storms.

Photo 4

Photo 4 shows the machinery used to destroy these mangroves as well as gives an indication of the amount of mangrove already fully destroyed, this bare land was once thriving mangrove vegetation.The destruction of mangroves would lead to adverse effects on the environment, coasts would receive more erosion, siltation would occur as there would be no roots to hold back sediments and pollutants from entering the sea. This would increase turbidity levels and have an effects on the marine life existing in the sea. Also as it acts as a habitat to a large number of species, massive habitat destruction would occur leading to the reduction in biodiversity of the ecosystem. 

The government can assist in protecting said mangroves by initiating re-plantation and rehabilitation of already damaged mangrove sites. Implement laws with strict penalties and fines for anyone found damaging the mangrove or polluting it and stop "development" in these areas. This would yield major positive effects on the environment for our future generations to enjoy as we do. 

More articles on mangrove destruction can be found below:


Florida Museum of Natural History. "Importance of Mangroves." Florida Museum of Natural History. March 25, 2016.

Petrotrin. Petrotrin A Valued Partner. May 2015. Accessed May 25, 2016. "Effects Of Mangrove Destruction In Mumbai Environmental Sciences Essay." UKessays. March 23, 2015.

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